Thursday, July 24, 2014

Check THIS Out!!

If you have never visited Megan at "I Teach. What's Your SuperPower?", you need to.
I mean, as soon as you finish reading my post, head to her blog.
Specifically, her "Blog, Baby, Blog" section...the woman is a genius!

People, I am not technologically-savvy.
You should know that upfront!

However, Megan is such an effective communicator that I was able to create a customized "Pin It!" button...THAT WORKS!!!

I first used her directions for the general Pinterest icon, and that was fine.
At least it was successful!
It was quick and super-easy....but blah.

Then, I thought, "maybe I can make my own Pinterest button that fits my blog's personality."
So, I gave it a try...and I was able to whip up a button THAT WORKS in less than an hour!

Megan, you are awesome!

Wanna see my new Pin-It Button?
Hover over the image below, then you can Pin my giveaway image to your Pinterest board:)

Friendly reminder: the giveaway ends tomorrow!
You can click here to read more about it, in case this your first time visiting my little blog.

And look:
Megan even taught me how to "remove" the button from an image!
If you hover over her blog button, you won't see my cute little "synonym roll" :)
Instead, you can go straight to her blog...

I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

...I'm telling you, folks...she's AWESOME!