Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Virtual "Friends" are some of the BEST!

Although I didn't get to attend Vegas myself (next year, Melissa!), I have to say that I still enjoyed seeing everyone's pics on Facebook and reading their blogposts.

I'm happy that many of my favorite bloggers were able to have a good time, learn new things, and celebrate our vocation with great friends and colleagues!

Today, however, I am feeling a modicum of their joy:)
And I want to share with you why:

Sweet Tiffany over at Shoe Laces & Sweet Faces gave a huge shout-out my way over at her blog.

Her words were a blessing to my soul and brought tears to my eyes.
It is because of people like Tiffany that I love this virtual teaching community so much!

In what other way would a K teacher from Connecticut (Tiffany) and a first grade teacher from Kansas (me) connect, collaborate, and become "friends" ?
Please go visit Tiffany's blog and become a follower!
She and her teaching team have FABULOUS ideas to share with you!!

I tell you, technology can be a real pain somedays....but I am so very thankful that it connects us all in ways that would otherwise be impossible:)

Thanks for reading my quick post today, and...
click the pic to go to the Rafflecopter!

...there's still time to ENTER MY GIVEAWAY if you haven't already!
Have a wonderful HUMP day, friends!

1 comment:

  1. I've made a few wonderful friends through blogging. Gotta love it!
