Friday, July 25, 2014

Down to the Wire...

Just about 7 hours left to enter my giveaway for prizes totaling $50!
Click the image below for more details:

Speaking of hours left, how many weeks/days/hours do you have left before you greet a new batch of students?

I report back on August 6th, but I don't have students in my classroom until the 13th.
It's still too soon!
I'm just not nearly as ready as I would like to be...

Other projects have taken a front seat to getting my classroom in student-ready condition, and I'm trying to put on the brakes when working on them, but I just can't stop!

After finishing my packets for EMPATHY/INNER BEAUTY and HARDSHIP/BULLYING, I decided to go ahead and start a packet that utilizes my cousin's other book: The Brave Bald Knight.

This packet will help students understand how to face basic fears and what it means to be "courageous".
I believe it's never too early to learn this important concept in building self-esteem; even Kindergartners have (simple) fears that need to be conquered by "standing up" and being brave!

Along with my cousin's book, I will pull from common classroom selections, such as:

This packet is nearly completed, but I have a very important question for all of you:

Which cover do you like better for the Bravery packet:
Knight close up OR Knight full body?

Leave a comment below with your thoughts on the cover page OR BETTER YET...
...visit my blog's BRAND-NEW Facebook Page by clicking the icon below:)

Less than 7 hours now 'til a winner is chosen! Good luck to all of you!!!


  1. Hey, Amber! I think I like the close up cover better, but they both look good.
    :) Sarah
    Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)
