Congrats to Lori, the winner of the Thirty-One Giveaway!
I hope your as excited about this tote as I am!
Thank you SOOO much to everyone who entered, and spread the word! My followers doubled from this giveaway! Y'all are the best:)
And, I was too late (I think) to link up with Brigid for classroom tours, but I'm going to post some updated pics anyway! Some are similar to what you've already seen; sorry!
See the blank white board behind the tables?? My wonderful principal surprised me with new magnetic white boards!!!
I had asked her at the end of the year, but didn't think it was possible til next year.
They used to be AWFUL wanna-be bulletin boards...but nothing ever stuck to them!
I was constantly re-stapling things to make them stay!
Beautiful white boards...L-O-V-E! |
As soon as you walk into my room, you see these two tables to your right. Since there is a LOT of emphasis on writing and publishing with Common Core (even in First Grade!!), this is going to be a "Publisher's" area. Students can use the two laptops on the rectangle table for listening to reading, or playing educational games during a choosing time as well as typing written pieces, with the help of an adult (yay for parent helpers!!).
Students will (hopefully...) use the computer at the round table to check out books from our library using this awesome website:
Oh, I hope it works as planned! Wait, I have nothing to worry about, right?
Everything ALWAYS works as planned in education:) |
They will also use this round table to publish their writing (with the help of an adult...yay for parent volunteers!)
My pride and joy:) I have been collecting children's literature for over a decade and I am very proud of the books in my classroom library. I could always use more, though...I am very lacking in nonfiction!
The bottom two shelves of both sections will be closed off with butcher paper and a sign that they will be "opening soon"! Last year, we had such a hard time putting books back in the appropriate basket...I want to give them a test of being responsible with only a few books before I let them loose with the whole collection! We will also gather here (obviously) for calendar.
The back of my library is my "Web-slingin' Word Wall". Our theme is "HEROES". Can you tell which superheroes will be helping us with our sight words?? Here's a close-up of one of the letter headings:
Work on Writing and Word Work area.
That large
garment rack pocket chart stand needs to be cut down before kiddos get here!! Aargh, so much STILL to do!
Science, Social Studies, and Math areas.
We adopted a new Social Studies curriculum this year...I am so excited!
The science posters are from
Deanna Jump's TpT store. It's her featured free download.
I don't remember where I found the wonderful shapes around my math shelf, but if you know...tell me so I can credit them!
I also do not remember where I got the clock labels, but I love how it looks like a flower!
However, I downloaded
Ginger's neon ones...I am VERY tempted to print them off and redo!
Her entire neon classroom set is totally AWEsome!
teacher's aide's desk, very neat and organized...for now:) Until I get a hold of it...Sorry, Kristy!
CAFE signs (also from Ginger) and Daily Schedule Cards (from Cara).
Wow, my room is completely full of bloggers!
The white carpet will be our gathering place for D5.
And just in case you think I'm all that and ready a week before students enter my room....
Project Thursday.
Clear off Guided Reading table...and those poor students' desks cluttered with things that need a home.
Oh, and those white boxes on the closet shelves in the background? MUST file all those papers for the entire year!
Yep, summer's officially over, people.
But most of you knew that already!
Again, Congrats Lori...and thank you to everyone for making my very first giveaway so special and successful:) Have a terrific night!