Monday, July 21, 2014

The Days are Dwindling...

How many days until you go back?

Less than 3 weeks for me!!!
I'm not a huge SpongeBob fan, but I totally get his plight here:

I have been working on books, books, and more books:)
Organizing, creating a few products (more about that TOMORROW!), and doing some curriculum mapping.
I have to do a presentation for K-2 teachers in my district on mapping/bringing our purchased curriculum together with the standards, as not all of them align, VERY SOON...wish me luck!

In the meantime, my fellow colleague, blogger-bestie, and classroom neighbor has COMPLETELY FINISHED HER ROOM!

I know.
I, too, feel a mixture of jealousy, inspiration, despair, and utter amazement.

Take a look for yourselves!
Just click on the BEAUTIFUL pic (I definitely need her to come next door to my room and help me organize!) to go to her blog and read/see more:
(pic by Mrs. B @ Mrs. B's Bright Blessings)

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