Saturday, July 19, 2014


Kimberly Geswein has not only influenced my computer's font book, she has also, in fact, contributed to many purchases from iTunes because of her catchy hit-inspired font names.
True story.

Sometimes I feel like I live under a rock because I really only listen to Christian music on the radio.
So when I see a new KG font, I immediately go to iTunes and type in the font's name to see if it's yet another amazing song I've never heard but now must listen to all day on repeat.

If I were going to make a list that accurately depicted my favorite fonts, it would probably be longer than your device can display without scrolling and consist entirely of KG or CC (Cara Carroll) fonts.

Bottomline: If I had all the money readily available to purchase a lifetime KG font license, I would have one:)
For products I create for personal use, hers are about the only ones I use.

Because when you are just starting out in the teacher-created product world, you really don't have a lot to spend on fonts or digital papers or clip you look for what's available for FREE, right?

Surely I am not the only one who scrounges the 'net looking for FREE digital resources!
Don't leave me feeling like a cheapo all alone here:)
Admit it. You've searched, too.

Well, in case you missed these fonts on your scouring, here are my absolute favorite FREE fonts that you can use to your heart's content on COMMERCIAL products!
That's right: these are NOT just for personal use, folks!

All of these fonts can be found and downloaded right from TpT.

Most of you have used or heard of Font Squirrel, I'm sure.
In case you haven't, it is also a great resource for free fonts, and MOST of their free fonts are usable for commercial products.

Font Space and Da Font are great sites, too...but you have to check the licensing info very carefully to know if you can use it on commercial products for FREE, or not.

I hope I have introduced you to a few new stores on TpT.
I always appreciate a fab FREE find:)

If you haven't linked up with Ashley @ Just Reed, you should!
Share with us your favorite fonts.

And please don't pay any attention at all to that Rafflecopter thing at the bottom of her page, because I'm REALLY hoping to win some KG font licenses!!!!

Okay, I guess you can enter if you want:)

Have a very restful Sunday tomorrow, my friends.
I only have about 2 1/2 more weeks until I report back!!
SUMMER, where did you go???? :(

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