Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Picture Book Linky & FREEBIE!

I am linking up today with the uber-talented Deanna Jump.

I think her Book Talk Tuesday Linky is pure genius!
I have a big heart for kid-lit, so I can't imagine I will ever blog about any other kind of books:)
Maybe a professional book every now and then, but when I go to Barnes & Noble or Amazon online, I never get out of the children's books section….
…anyone else with this problem???

File this away for October, but here is THE BEST (IMHO) Halloween book EVER:

My former mother-in-law and original inspiration for teaching introduced me to this amazing story. When she read it, she took two days. It lends itself to making predictions, and that's exactly what she did!
Of course, for the past 3 years I've taught, I totally stole her idea...and it has been a HUGE success with my kiddos!
They made very creative predictions for who they thought the Pumpkin Smasher was:)
I also l-o-v-e the black & white-with-some-color-accents illustrations:)

I have 2 copies: one that I purchased for $50 (yikes!) from Amazon when the book was out of print, and one that my mother-in-law used to read her students during her 39-year career as an educator.

LUCKY FOR YOU PEOPLE, this book has been reissued due to its huge popularity & demand!
You can now get it (in paperback) from Amazon…for about $13!
Click the image above to go there & get your own copy!
I promise, you'll love it:)

Mrs. Jump is giving away a copy of a cute book & her "3 Little Pigs" unit if you leave a comment on her blog!!!
This is the book I commented about today, so I decided to go ahead and blog about it, too:)

If you use this book during the Halloween season…or even if you don't…you can download this little literacy game to go with it.

This game can be used in small groups or at word work stations to practice consonant blends that start with 'S'.


  1. I'm so happy I'm not the only one who ends up in the children's section whenever I go to Barnes & Noble! I've heard about the Pumpkin Smasher book, before but never looked into it. Your description makes me want to grab a copy for my first graders! Thanks for sharing :)
    Learnin' Books

  2. Great post! I've never seen this book before. I'm definitely adding it to my collection (I too have an addition to children's books). Thanks for the great product too!

  3. Hi Amber! Sounds like a great book! I will be sure to remember this story once October rolls back around (but for now I will enjoy summer)! Only one more day! Thank you for the freebie!

    One Sharp Bunch

  4. That sounds like a really good book! I haven't heard of it before, but plan to make it a new one for this coming October! Thanks for sharing! Kristi
    Teaching Little Miracles
