Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1st means….

….it's time for Farley's Currently!

Let's just get right to it, shall we?
I just love Netflix!
My oldest son convinced me to get it so he could watch shows, but I think I use it way more than my kiddos:)
I have been able to get caught up on shows I forgot about, like Grey's:)
And while I'm typing/folding laundry/watching, my boys are playing together…and not fighting!
There are probably very few days left where that happens.
Does anyone else have this problem?
Surely my kids are not the only ones at each other's throats all summer long!

Tomorrow, we leave for a week in Branson, MO.
I'm really looking forward to putting school out of my mind for a week and just having a good time with my kiddos and family:)
But as much as I love going on vacay, I really hate packing for it! Ughh!

What I really would love to do is NOTHING.
I'm talking about full-on veg-mode.
Binge-watch Netflix, Pinterest, Blogging, taking long, luxurious baths…with or without a glass of wine:)
….just nothing. For a week.
A girl can dream;)

However, a really need to start organizing my classroom from the ground up.
My principal asked me to work on a system for this year….I think she appreciates most of what I do as a teacher, but she sees:)
I need to have a better system for EVERYTHING!
I will be pinning-blogging for sure, but not for fun things:)
It will be for organizational ideas.
PLEASE LEAVE ANY TIPS/ADVICE/PINS that you find helpful below! & Thanks!!

After our trip to MO, we will also be spending a couple of days in OK.
My oldest son, cousin, and I will see "Wicked" there (cannot wait!!!!), and we have plans to go to the aquarium.
In July, we have one more trip to Branson planned with extended family, and there will be lots of fun Little League baseball games through out the next month:) love that!

I start training to be a mentor teacher for both my new colleague (bittersweet) and future interns.
I also plan to attend webinars and classes for all things Common Core so that I can prepare a spot-on presentation in August for primary teachers in my district.
That's right, people.
In less than 70 days, I will be speaking to a group of my peers & colleagues about Common Core Curriculum mapping for the primary grades.
Anyone have some go-to resources for this???

Thanks for any and all suggestions about organizing & curriculum mapping, and don't forget to link up for yourself!


  1. Yay for QT time with the fam! It's so nice to put down school/blogging for a few days and truly enjoy the time with your loved ones! Hope you have a blast on your trip! And best of luck with packing. :)

    Prepping for the Primary Gridiron

  2. Ah, boys and their fighting! It is a non-stop intervention around here with my 3. One minute it is peaceful and the next someone is calling a name, or pushing, or tattling. Sheesh, wears a mom out! I know it is all part of growing up and family stuff, but can't you all just get along? So when those moments occur, they are absolutely beautiful!
    Enjoy your trip and your time with your family!

  3. I found you through Farley. I know what you mean about organization. I have some great ideas for organization...they just never come to fruition. I will say, though, Pinterest has some wonderful ideas.
    If you don't have a teacher desk, look into the teacher toolbox...I have 2 (cause I don't have a desk) and LOVE them!
