Thursday, August 1, 2013

August, Currently

This is only my third year of teaching, but it's my 6th year to have a kiddo in school...
...and it seems like this summer went soooo much faster than others!

Am I the only one who thinks this?
Will I think this every year, as I continue in my profession??

Anywho, let's get to the topic at hand.
Here's my currently:

Here's the Breakdown (if you care!) :

listening: I LOVE Gene Kelly! I could watch him in anything.
I never knew him personally (obviously) but I miss him:(
He made musicals a little masculine:)
What a hunk!
And I can't believe my oldest son actually wanted to watch my fave movie this evening!
I wonder if he's trying to butter me up for something....hmmm....

loving: MY (that should say "My" in the image...sorry for the typo!) new Color Scheme & decor.
Take a look-see:

This calendar set is for sale in my TpT store...and I just sold my first one today!!!!
I'm a tad excited:)
AND I'll be posting about how I use my calendar set tomorrow, so come back for that!

thinking: Self-explanatory.
My boards are like an online checklist right now.

wanting: trying to eat better.
Can you tell it's working? :)

needing: I posted that I would be "de-clutterifying" my classroom the other day...
yeah, I didn't.
Not good when procrastination sets in before the school year starts!

B2S must-haves:
   1) Coffee (or caffeine in almost any form, but this is my preferred morning version)
   2) A new bag for a new year:)
       my mother instilled this in me...her fault.
      Cute is a must; functionality is important, as well (but second to cute!)
   3) Binders:
      I am seriously trying to be more organized with data-collection & teaching reflection this year.
      Not having my computer for 3 weeks did NOT help in the organizing department!!

BTW, look at the beauty I am typing on right now:

If I have never mentioned what a great district I work for, allow me to say it now:
I LOVE that I work for an Apple Distinguished district, and they care enough about us to entrust us with these wonderful, beautiful machines:)
I missed my Mac...those 3 weeks without him were torture!
But he got a seriously-needed upgrade, and I have never loved him more;)

I know I have issues.
I'm looking into a support group.

If you have yet to link up with Farley, HOP TO IT!
I'm sure she's already in triple digits over there:)

Can you believe the next time we link up with our "Currentlies", we will ALL be into the new school year???

Night, y'all:)
Come back tomorrow, pretty please, for Calendar Cuteness/Math Instruction 101!


  1. Your new room looks great! And summer did go by so fast!

    Ms. Cranfill's Class

  2. I love your red and black color scheme! So pretty! My classroom has piles of books and papers that I need to find a home, too. I hope to do that tomorrow. I found you on the linky!

    Teaching Fourth

  3. I am loving your color scheme this year too! I love the center signs you made. Super cute! Have a mentioned that I am grateful to teach with you and for your friendship! You are wonderful!


  4. Oh, I finally got to blog again!!!! Yay!
