Monday, July 29, 2013

My First "Made-It" !

I am linking up for a BIG first!

I am not a crafty person, by any stretch of the imagination.
I can always appreciate the craftiness and fortitude (how's that for a "juicy" word as we near back-to-school?!) of other people, but it is just not in my nature to make things myself.

Ask my mom.
That poor lady tried to teach me to sew, tried to encourage my scrapbooking efforts, and has tried to show me just how easy it is to arrange flowers and tie pretty bows.

I can't.
I don't have one single crafty bone in my body:)

I am okay with that, because I am creative in other ways!

My very first (and probably last) Monday Made-It comes with A LOT of assistance from Michael's & Hobby Lobby:)

Take a look:
center signs with adorable clipart and fonts...
THIS is my kind of crafty:) powerpoint love!

signs attached to pompoms from Hobby Lobby

calendar set made by moi :)
Check out my TpT store (to the left) to get this set for yourself!

I'll be posting exactly how I am going to use this lovely calendar set later this week.
I ran out of laminating sheets and couldn't get it all done today :(

BTW, the "so pretty!" is not actually displayed on the calendar; I added that to the photo:)
I'm sure you knew that, but I just don't want anyone to be confused.

I am SOOOOO in love with this color scheme!
I won't bother you with the photos of boxes and messes that are also in my room right now.

The instant I got to school today, I did the "important" stuff, like decorating.
I don't know about you, but that unpacking/putting junk away/organizing/cleaning stuff overwhelms me!
If I can beautify my room first, I am so much more productive:)
Who wants clutter and chaos junking up a pretty room???

Anyone else with their priorities in reverse??
How is your B2S prep going??

If you haven't linked up already with Tara, then you better do it now!
I'm like 239th or something....

Back to school again tomorrow to de-clutterfy!
Not a real word...I know.
It sounds prettier than what I really will be doing, though.
Who packed up my room at the end of the year anyway???#~!

I report back the 7th.
THE 7TH!!!!
I asked my boys how they feel about going back to school, and this is what they said:

That's me, too:)

Til next time, friends!


  1. Congrats on your first Monday Made it! I love your calendar set and the center cards. Very cute! I am a new follower as well!
    Miss King's Enchanted Kingdom

  2. Looking good! I'm working hard at it this week too! And yes, I like to get the set-up done first so I can relax a bit.

    Teaching Little Miracles

  3. Cute calendar set! I love the colour scheme. :) I can't get back into my room until Aug. 19th! I'm dying to start decorating!

    First Grade Garden

  4. Your room looks awesome! Thanks for your supportive comments on my blog.


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