Friday, May 31, 2013

Next year I will....

Two posts in 2 days...
I must be buttah cuz I'm on a roll!

Okay, I'm a little excited about posting back-to-back days since my 6-month hiatus!
Laugh at my joke-attempt, if for no other reason than pity.

Today, I'm linking up with Kim from Finding JOY in 6th Grade to share my professional goals for the upcoming school May:)

Here they are, in no particular order:

I strongly believe that quality children's literature can expose students to rich vocabulary and make these new words meaningful and relevant. I am going to strive to use a few read-alouds a week to incorporate "robust vocabulary" into my classroom. Any and all advice you can give me on how you implement this practice in your classroom is absolutely welcome!!

Does anyone else have this problem?
Again, any suggestions are completely welcome!
I find myself referring students for behavioral concerns and have very little data to back up my observations. I need a good system for recording and keeping track of recorded behavior issues.

You can read more about this goal in yesterday's post:)
Yay, for Schoolgirl Style!!!

I would love to know how to do this effectively and efficiently.
I think it would really help my MTSS time!
(MTSS = RtI to those of you NOT living in KS)
PLEASE comment with suggestions and advice!
(Do you see a pattern here?)
I noticed a few blogs doing book studies on the "Guided Math", and I also know the Sisters have published a Daily 5 for math.
Anyone have a favorite facilitator?

I am striving for "backward planning" this year, and I think if I do that, then keeping students up-to-date on what standards we are working on ("I can" statements or learning targets) will be so much easier.
What does your district suggest:
"I can" statements or learning targets?

Now it's your turn.
Link up with Kim, and share your goals for the 13-14 school year.
joyin6th Homepage

If you do it before Sunday, you might win a $25 GC to TpT....
and if that's not motivation, I don't know what is!
Someones got to win it...
(I hope it's me!...but it could be you)

That money would certainly help some of us achieve our goals.
Have you seen some of the great organizational stuff on that site?
Some teachers just have it all together...sure wish I knew how they do it!

Til next time, friends.
Happy Friday!


  1. I want to plan with the end in mind as well! I've taught 6th grade before but never math and science and next year I'll be teaching ALL subjects!! YIKES!

    My coworkers tell me there's no time to implement small groups in math because ALL the students need ALL the instruction EVERY day. Hmmm....


    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Shannon! I am running into the same problem with math small groups, but my district requires we spend time with a group of students falling below benchmark at least three days a week. Gotta figure it out now, before it becomes 5 days a week!

  2. Wow, Amber! I am very impressed that you have 2 blogs in 2 days. Way to go! Love the goals for next year!

    1. I know, right? Hopefully this is a habit in the making;) We'll see...
