Saturday, August 18, 2012

This is harder than it looks...

What happened?

It was so easy to blog during the carefree, aka non-scheduled, days of summer!

I reported back to school on Monday, and suddenly I can't keep up!
I have such new found respect (not that I didn't have a great deal already) for you seasoned bloggers!
This is definitely a balancing act....but, then again, that's my life:) So I hope I get the hang of it soon!

I am so excited about the new school year! The Common Core, our building's theme, my K-1 Crew and our new discipline new group of {adorable} firsties!!! What's not to be excited about?!

Our district boasts an Apple Distinguished School for a few years running, and I love that we focus so much on technology and teaching 21st Century Skills....
...especially when that means each teacher in the district gets their own iPad! Woot, woot!
We also have 2 extra carts of iPads in our building this year, so K-1 gets their own cart for student-use! Hooray!!

It's coming down to the final moments, y'all!
Last work day on Monday, then a Back to School Ice Cream Social that evening...and school is in session Tuesday morning!
I am almost overwhelmed with butterflies!! Mostly excitement, but definitely some nerves:)

Also, my baby starts school....whaaaat? He can't possibly be a Kindergartner already!
I'm so glad I will be teaching and focusing on my students, and not have time to worry about the fact that my baby is so big :,) When my oldest started Kindergarten, I spent the whole morning in time for that now!

I know many of you have already started your year...but I am sad to say I have had very little time to blog-stalk. I hope you are having a stellar year, thus far, and if you haven't yet started with kiddos (like me), best wishes for a wonderful beginning! Here's to us:)


  1. I completely understand how you feel on not having time to blog!! Good luck with this school year!

    1. Thank you, Stephanie...Best of luck to you as well! Maybe we'll blog again around Christmastime, HA!

  2. Hi Amber! Kristi and I are right there with you on finding time to blog stalk and blog now that school is in session. We're hoping when we get in the groove, it will get easier!

    We made it through the first two days! Hooray! Well, let's say I feel like I survived. Ha!

    Teaching Little Miracles

    1. My hat's off to you ladies! I am suddenly feeling very unprepared for Tuesday morning! I am so glad to have fellow teachers & bloggers alike, like you:), to get me movin' and groovin'!
