Monday, August 13, 2012

"Oh, back to school, back to school..." anyone else singin' Billy Madison's little ditty before he gets on the bus to start his B2S adventure? Just me??
Love me some Adam Sandler-silliness:)

Well, it's official for me and the other teachers in my district...
We are all back-to-school-bound! On the clock officially, as of today!!
Today is just FULL of meetings.
 I personally can't wait to get "geared up" for the new school year:)
I'm VERY excited about my new group of Firsties!!!
8 boys, and 11 girls:) a good little mix of a group with some absolutely wonderful parents!

Just quickly wanted to share my TpT purchases from yesterday's shopping frenzy:

Click on the pic of the item to be taken to that seller's TpT store
and click on their name  to visit their blog!

Our building is doing a "HEROES" theme this year. I originally had Kelley's "Welcome Watermelon" pack in my cart, but when I saw she had a heroes pack, I switched it up...and her watermelon pack is in my wish list, instead...for now:) Allison's Heroes Birthday posters will be SUPER in my room! (HA!)

Kelly Dolling @ The Teacher Idea Factory

Allison @ Climbing the Monkey Bars

I desperately want to add more "fun" to my math block, and I think these packets will do just that. Anything from Donna is amazing...I own many of her fab units! And I think this apple math will be very versatile -read: don't just think Johnny Appleseed & September:) I'm also very excited about the kinesthetic activities in Melissa's Jump Around pack, and L-O-V-E Jennifer's GeoBoard it! The Gumdrop activity from Robynn will be great with my Gingerbread Unit:)
Donna @ Math Coach's Corner

Robynn @ Busy Bees

Melissa @ F is for First Grade

Jennifer @ First Grade Blue Skies

Since writing is such a strong component of Common Core, I think Lyndsey's packet is just what I need:)
Lyndsey @ a year of many firsts
And no shopping trip is complete (in my opinion) without a little sumthin' from the uber-talented Mrs. Carroll. This has been in my wish list FAR too really wanted to be on my Mac instead:) I'll be using several things in this unit throughout the year, so I rationalized getting it now!
Cara @ The First Grade Parade
Good news? I saved a whopping total of $10.99!!!
That's like gettin' a couple of these babies FOR FREEEEE -more Adam Sandler- :)
Bad news? I still spent more money, right after I bought a home...and paid for my kids' enrollment...and bought school supplies...and (the list goes on...)
Good thing I get a little check from PTO (I hope we still do that....) today! And I get paid next week:) That was one of the best TpT trips I've ever had, though! Whew:)

So, how'd you do? And when do start back???
Y'all have been awful quiet lately:) I hope to hear from SOMEONE today!


  1. My TPT list is just as long!! I have one more day before district meetings and way to much to do in my classroom but my goal is the finish today! Hope you have a great week:)

  2. Oh goodness, more to check out now!! I love all of Kelley's units and I couldn't agree with you more - NO shopping trip would be complete without a stop at Cara's store :)

    T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

    1. Sorry to increase your wish list, Susan...but they're totally worth it:) Glad someone else has my taste in FIrst Grade Parade units!

  3. Hi Amber! Just popping in to say hi. We were back to work today too...meetings for us too. Looking forward to a work day on Wednesday before our Firsties come in on Thursday. :-)

    Teaching Little Miracles

    1. Wow, you start a little sooner than us...We don't have kiddos until NEXT Tuesday! Tell your tech guy (I miss him!) I said, "hi!" and I wish all of you a terrific school year:)
