Sunday, July 15, 2012

What's in a Name?

  I have fretted about so many things before finally making the plunge into the blogging world.
Will I have to join Facebook now?
            (No, I don't live under a rock. I have my reasons...
                   though they are becoming obsolete).
What about giveaways?
        (Let's don't get ahead of ourself just yet...we need a Follower or two first!)

How do I grab those buttons, and design one of my own??
     (I STILL have so much to learn...)
What should my blog name be???

   That last one really had me. There are so many cute, creative blogs out there.
And in case you haven't noticed, there are sooooo many First Grade Blogs!
I happen to teach first grade...I do not want "first" or "first grade" in my blog name, for reasons other than being lost in the crowd.
      (Actually, just one other reason: with all the changes in education, you never know when you'll have to move. Who wants the hassle of thinking of ANOTHER name, when it takes you
f-o-r-e-v-e-r to decide on the first one?!)
     So, where did I get MY blog name you ask? (pretend you asked)
Well, when I first started blog stalking searching for great ideas, it seemed everyone and their dog was blogging about
           "synonym rolls."
Seriously...they were everywhere!
I ADORED the idea.
And, thanks to a rockin' blog-star who "parades" her first grade ideas all over her blog (thank you, Mrs. Carroll!), another who is glad to "finally" be teaching first (the lovely Mrs. Bates), and yet another who is quite the "lesson plan diva"(self-explanatory), I taught a lesson that was ADORED by my students.

Seriously...they went bananas, they were having so much fun  learning so much!

My only regret is I have no cute photos to share because I wasn't exactly sure how it would go, so I didn't run to the office to grab the school camera.
I should have had more faith in the "power of  blog ideas"... lesson learned.
       The other part of the name just comes from who I am. I used to be an optimist; I still TRY to see that glass half-full. But, you learn some lessons in the classroom of life that begin to dull those rosy-colored glasses (I'm talking about glasses you wear now, not drink out of. You know the saying...).
I'm nearly 32 (gasp! she gave her actual age?!).
 I have 2 absolutely wonderful, Creative, AMAZING boys (loves of my life).
My first "students" :)
    And their father and I divorced almost 2 years ago.
 A hurt like that makes you a little more of a realist than an optimist. It's very easy for me to see the good in things...but I just as easily now see the bad and the ugly. Cue the violins :,(
 I knew I wanted to pay a kind of homage to the inspiration I've received from all you blogSTARS out there, but I wanted the name to resemble who I am, as well.
Hence, the contrast.
Isn't life in our classrooms full of sweet AND sour moments? Isn't life in general that way?
In fact, doesn't it often seem that when life is good, you're craning your neck to see what's coming your way?
 (or is that just me???)
So, this blog will attempt to celebrate the great moments, realizing that the not-so-great moments are a reality as well...but we'll try NOT to focus on that!
Thanks for staying with me to the end of this looonnnngg post.
I am not a succinct kinda gal, but I'm going to strive to be short, sweet and to the point....most of the time:)
I hope you'll join me in my journey!
Thanks for letting me be a part of yours:)


  1. Hi Amber! I saw your comment over at Finally in First! Your blog looks really cute! I'm also new at blogging and it's overwhelming trying to keep up with all the wonderful blogs out there! Good luck with everything! Megan at "I Teach What's Your Super Power" has some great tips for new bloggers (

    Lacy's Letters

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement...I hope that we are both "pros" at this fun/exciting/craziness before long! I will definitely check out that blog!

  2. Welcome to blogging, Amber! So glad you could use my synonym roll activity.
    Finally in First

    1. It means so much that you would stop by! I truly enjoy your blog, and seeing you comment here is like "meeting" a celebrity:) How exciting!

  3. Hi Amber!
    I like Sweet School Moments (like is listed in your blog addy). I'm glad you joined the bloggyland! Just do it for yourself. You'll be amazed at how your teaching will grow just from blogging. LOL, you'll always be trying to think of good blog-worthy activities.

    Good luck!
    Strive to Sparkle

  4. I appreciate the sweet words, Crystal! I feel like my teaching has grown so much just from following blogs and using the ideas and printables I have found...I can't wait to see what the next year will bring in the classroom for me and my followers! Thanks for stopping by:)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You blog looks great! I like Sweet School Moments too! I don't think my title is very creative...I actually think its a mouthful! Ha! Ohwell! I am just learning that blogging takes time! Anything you post will be valuable to someone out there in this bloggy world! Hope to keep in touch! I am now following your blog as well! Thanks again for stopping by my blog!

  6. Hi Amber,
    Welcome to BLOGLAND!!!!! Your blog is really cute, I love the title. I wanted to send you a copy of one of the tips that I learned when I first started blogging but I didn't see a place to email you. If you email me at I'll send you my tip. I'm looking forward to some more great posts.
    ✰ Stacy

    Simpson Superstars

  7. Hi Amber...welcome to Blogworld. I just started mine a month ago and I can't begin to list the ideas I've gotten already. Blogging has become my newest "addiction" LOL.
    I would love for you to visit my blog and while you are there, register for my first giveaway.
    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Amy...I am on my way to check out your (awesome, I'm sure) blog. A giveaway sounds exciting...I'm a little nervous about all of that! Hopefully you'll be able to offer up some tips!

  8. Hi again Amber! I nominated you for a blog award... stop by my blog to get it!

    Lacy's Letters

  9. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I absolutely love yours! The name is simply perfect! It definitely caught my attention! I can hardly wait to see what all you share. By the way I also have a difficult time being succinct. There is just so much to say! Lol...

    005 Watkins' Way

  10. Welcome to blogging! Your blog is precious and I love the name of it! I just became follower #10. Wahoo! =)


    Heather's Heart

    1. Wow! The celebrities keep rolling in:) I absolutely adore your blog, Heather, and I am so honored you would stop by! Wahoo is right; 20 followers, here I come:)

  11. You are too cute and funny! I am hardly a celebrity but that made me smile! =)

    Heather's Heart

  12. Hi Amber! Yeah for taking the plunge into the blogging world. You'll have a blast - try not to become addicted. LOL! :-)

    Teaching Little Miracles
