Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My FIRST Award!

Ever have internet issues?
I am currently in the middle of moving to a new home and when I asked to have internet access turned on for the new address, they accidentally turned off the internet/cable at the current address!
Therefore, I have been without internet/cable for 3 whole days!!! I know;  don't I sound pitiful?
We are such a spoiled society, aren't we:) But seriously, I felt like I had been detached from the world!
It also wasn't great timing because I had just launched this little blog :(

So imagine my surprise when access to the internet was finally re-established today....
....and I see this comment from my "pilot" post!

"Hi again Amber! I nominated you for a blog award... stop by my blog to get it!"

The sweet Cyndi Lacy over at Lacy's Letters was kind enough to award me my first bloggy award! Yay, me;) And thank you, Cyndi!

This award recognizes blogs with less than 200 followers.  Here are the rules:

1. Copy and paste this award on your blog.

See above.

2. Thank the giver and link back to them.

So, thanks sooo much Cyndi. If you haven't checked out Lacy's Letters, head over there now for some inspiring ideas from a super cute blog!!!

3. Reveal 5 other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blog.

Here goes (this was the trickiest part!) :
~great common core ideas!! Her packets are PHENOMENAL!~
Kristen at a day in first grade:
~such cute and practical packets on TpT! Check out her store!!~
Not to be confused with Brittany at A DAY IN FIRST GRADE:
~I am new to this blog, but it looks super cute!~
Kate at EduKate & Inspire:
~though she is quickly approaching 200...check her out for some great technology tips!~
and last but certainly not least, Terri from 1st Grade Princess:
go here for a virtual vacation in paradise...ahhh:)

Hopefully, my technological issues are over {for now...aren't they always a problem? ;) }
and I can start blogging and blog-stalking more frequently/a.k.a. like normal!

Go check out these spectacular blogs...and thanks for making my day, Cyndi!
Wish me luck with moving/getting my classroom ready/planning/...are we all starting to feel some pressure as we near August?!?


  1. Replies
    1. You are very welcome! It is well-deserved:)

  2. Hi Amber!! Congratulations on starting your own blog!! I saw your comment & just had to tell you that I so appreciate your sweet comment. It really made my day!!! I am now following you on here & I will help you with anything that you need to get started!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. OMT, Lisa (do you follow Teeny Tiny Teacher? This is now my fave saying!), thanks so much for checking out my baby blog:) I absolutely cannot wait to collaborate and learn more, and begin to share my own ideas with this great bloggy world!

  3. Hi Amber! Congrats on the award. I am new to all this blogging as well! :) I can't wait to see/hear all of your ideas! Good luck and if you get a chance come check out mine! :) Again totally new and haven't done much but excited to start!

    A Frenzy of Fun in 1st Grade

    1. Hi, Nicole! I am now a follower of your blog:) What a cute little nonsense word game! I am excited to start to share freebies and ideas, as well!

  4. Hi, Amber! Congrats on the award! Your blog is super cute! Looking forward to hearing your ideas! Your header made me a little hungry...gotta go grab a snack now, lol! :)

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I can't wait to start sharing ideas, too:)

  5. Congratulations! It's so exciting to be noticed by others, isn't it?
    Can't wait to read more on your blog.

    First with Franklin

  6. Congratulations! I saw your comment at First with Franklin, and I have a "baby" blog too, so I wanted to check yours out and give a little support. Your blog is super sweet! I love the title. :) AND, I wanted to say thanks for linking to My Cute Graphics. I'd never been there before, and they have super sweet stuff!! I can't wait to use it!
