Friday, July 20, 2012

Linkin' Up!

I'm giving this Linky-thing a go! I hope I have it figured out:)

The Teacher Wife
Lindsey, The Teacher Wife, is hosting a "Favorite Picture Book" Linky and children's literature has a very special place in my heart; it's originally why I decided to go into education!
So, here are my top 5 read-alouds in my classroom (and, boy, was it h-a-r-d to choose)!

This is an absolute class fave right before school gets out for Christmas break! I bet we read it a dozen times last December:) I just love the "BB&G" list, and it does have a good message about how it's better to give than receive...greedy young elementary students could always use that lesson (and even some adults)!

We had a "Favorite Picture Book Day" towards the end of the year, and this is what Ms. Olson shared. It's not actually my favorite (That comes last in the list), but somehow I neglected to read this ALL year last year, so it needed to make an appearance! Also, a great message of being proud of your dreams!

The good Dr. is my favorite M.D. of all time:) He also happens to be my favorite author! Last year, I had a lot of Seuss decor that I will greatly miss this year, but I will still continue to bring in MANY of his stories...and The Sneetches is my absolute favorite one of all!

So hard to choose a favorite character among great ones like Pigeon, Pete, Clifford and Arthur, not to mention a new "favorite" Pinkalicious (remember, I have sons, so I did not "meet" her until this year!). However, I think Skippyjon tops them all. He gives me an excuse to use my totally awesome Span-eesh accent (Ha!) :D and my Firsties adore his creativity and imagination!

The best for last (at least in this novice teacher's opinion)...

My former mother-in-law and original inspiration for teaching introduced me to this amazing story. When she read it, she took two days. It lends itself to making predictions, and that's exactly what she did! Of course, this past year, I totally stole her idea...and it was a HUGE success with my kiddos! They made very creative predictions for who they thought the Pumpkin Smasher was:) If you can find it, you MUST get it! I also l-o-v-e the black & white-with-some-color-accents illustrations:)

Oh, I have sooo many more that I heart:), but I won't keep you any longer! Check out others' choices, and link up for yourself! Next time: classroom pics! Have a great day, friends:)


  1. I love your book choices!! The Sneetches is an awesome book & I can't get enough of Skippyjon Jones. I just ordered the whole set from Kohl's! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. I stopped by Kohl's and got the penguin & Bumblito with their matching books! I just love when Kohl's does their $5 book deals...and that the profits go right back to kids:)

  2. Hey! Adorable blog! Great books-some of my kiddos favorites are the Aliens in Underpants/Dinosaurs in Underpants. I think they just love to hear the word "underpant"! lol
    Christie :)
    First Grade Fever

    1. Wow, Christie, thanks for stopping by! I agree about the silly words like "underwear" being a hit with kiddos. Have you ever read The Easter Bunny's Assistant? They go nuts about the skunk in the story stink in up the place:D

  3. You have such a cute blog! Glad I found it today through the linky :) I've never heard of your book choices so I need to add them to my books to check out for the upcoming year. Thanks for the suggestions!

    Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway

    1. Thanks for the sweet words:) I stopped by your blog, and am your newest follower! You have such cute ideas!!

  4. We love, love, love Auntie Claus! One of our top 10! Thanks for stopping by to visit us and we are now following you! Where do you teach at? We are talking with Alisha at The Bubbly Blonde about trying to set up a Midwest Meetup so hopefully we can make it happen and all meet at some point!!
    Katie & Lisen :)

    1. Oh, I love Alisha, and I such a fan of your's so cool when people I look up to stop by:) A Midwest Meet-up would be AMAZING!! I am so in:D

  5. Love your choices! Auntie Claus looks like a good one!

    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  6. I'll have to check out the Pumpkin Smasher-the kids love mysteries! :)

