Saturday, July 21, 2012

An Awesome Blogger Packet & a Giveaway!!

Jenn, from Finally in First, has created a little Decoding Strategies packet, to help parents when reading with students at home. I love this idea, but I think it will be great for teachers to have at their guided reading tables during coaching/guided practice, as well!
Here's a pic at the packet cover:

This packet features an awesome little checklist for parents/teachers, as well as some cute little strategy cards you could post on your CAFE board:

If you click on the packet cover above, it will take you right to Jenn's blog where you can enter to win this little baby! I know I'm excited about that:) If I don't win one, I am definitely using my TpT  points to purchase it! (Do y'all know about TpT points? They sure come in handy!) Okay, onto the giveaway!

Amy from the Resource(ful) Room has lots of reasons to celebrate: her blog just turned 1, she got a brand-new "bloggy" look, and she opened up her own TpT store (yay!). In honor of these big things, she is throwing a BIG giveaway! Click on the banner below to go to her blog and enter:)

And I just got my 25th follower!!! Hmmm...perhaps I should be thinking about my first giveaway?
I know, I know I said there would be class pics. Very soon, girls; it's nearing completion:)


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Good luck on the $25 to spend on Erin Condren products! I love the name of your blog!
    Visit me @ Fun in 1st Grade

  2. YAY!! I'm so glad you left me a comment over on my blog so that I could find yours! :) I'm a new follower. Your blog name is ADORABLE and so it the blog!

    Your newest follower,
    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

    1. Yay:) I'm so glad you came by to check it out! Thanks for the sweet words!

  3. Amber-- I can't wait to see your room!!

    A Day in First Grade
