Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy May Day!

Here are some flowers…

...pretend I just knocked on your front door:)

That's the text I got from a sweet friend this morning, so if you didn't get a May basket today, now you can say you did!

Onto the real reason for today's post: Farley's Famous Linky!

Don't you just love baseball season?
I do!
And this movie (above) is just one of my all-time favorites for the season:)

So glad the weather is FINALLY starting to act like spring!

How many more school days do you have?
We are counting down, folks!

My little cousin is getting married tomorrow!
Both my boys are in the wedding…they are so grown up!
My youngest has to hold hand with the flower girl….so stinkin' cute!
Take a look:
wish this was closer up…take my word for it, it's cute!!

My oldest is an usher, and he looks like such a young man:,(

Wish I looked a little better (i.e., thinner) so I could look as great as they will tomorrow!

On top of the wedding, my students are hosting a fundraiser for Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation in the afternoon.

Are you familiar with that organization?

Have you ever seen this book?

Look into it!
It's an amazing opportunity!!
I'll be back this weekend to blog more about it!

Til then, Happy Friday Friends!!!


  1. Your kiddos look so cute! Hope you enjoy the wedding. Found you through Farley's Currently.

    Krazy Town

  2. Thanks for the bouquet. May day flowers is not a practiced tradition in my neck of the woods, but I'd love to start! Your blog is too cute. Best wishes to the happy couple.
    Sandy @ Elementary Expedition

  3. I was just having a discussion to see if May Day baskets (ringing the doorbell, etc.) was a Midwest thing or not... any idea? We have 14 days left as well...yippeeeee! Good luck!

    Real Teachers Learn

  4. 5 weeks to go! But who's counting :-)
    Have a great time at your cousins wedding.

  5. A League of My Own is one of my favorites too! The lemonade stand was a great idea and for a fantastic cause. Glad it was so successful.
