Saturday, March 1, 2014

Yep, it's really me!

She's….she's alive!!!

That might be the thought that popped into some of your heads:)
if you are still following me, that is.

Wish I had a really good reason for my absence, but the school year just seems to get busy fast & stay busy for me.
I guess I'm a better summer blogger!
Which defeats the purpose, as this is supposed to be a school blog.

Maybe my principal will let me turn in "faithfully blogging once a week" as my professional goal for next school year.
Then I'd be sure to get in a few posts every month!

Today, I'm joining a couple of bloggers' linky parties.

First, I'm linkin' up with Blog Hoppin's "Show Us What You Bought!" linky.
Here are my purchases from the big "3 Million Strong!" TpT sale:

Bubble gum Clipart purchased from Krista Wallden (she is soooo talented!), and Black/White Digital Papers by Clever Chameleon.
If the pics above don't link to their stores, simply click on their names above! Great Stuff!!

Shout-Outs from the Common-Core-Guru, Katie Knight.
During my recent evaluation, my principal asked me to consider daily or weekly certificate-type rewards for my students, and Katie's packet (featuring adorable Melonheadz clipart) is just what I need to implement this idea.
Can't wait to try these out!!

Bubble Gum! Bubble Gum! from Alisha Peare, aka "The Bubbly Blonde".
This packet will provide just the vowel practice my students need, in the form of some fun centers! 
Can't wait to use them!!

July/August Color by Code pages from Kathy Law, or "First Grade a la Carte", as you may know her.
I have almost all her "color by code" packets…before she bundled them:)… 
and my student's just love them!  
Can you tell I'm already trying to plan ahead for next year??

Listen Up! Activity Sheets from the Fab Duo at "Fluttering Through First Grade".
They say two heads are better than one…
& these ladies are proof!
I CANNOT wait to try these out with my group this year.
We definitely need to work on some serious listening skills.
AND my grade level partner & I were just collaborating about how exactly to assess those tricky "listening standards"...
I think these activities are just the ticket!!

Okay, technically those last 2 purchases aren't "units" 
(even though they're posted under the "units" title on my pic), but I do plan on implementing them consistently throughout the next school year. 
Each activity will coordinate with thematic units, so they fall under the umbrella:)

Join the party!
 Link up with the ladies at Blog Hoppin' and :

Next up, the wonderful Farley's Currently:

I think the list speaks for itself.
If you have any guesses on the ?????? to my answers, comment below! 

Tomorrow, I'll be back (2 days in a row!! I know!)
and posting about "He-who-shall-not-be-named"-Day….aka, that great author we celebrate in March but aren't supposed to mention by name, for fear of lawsuits.

Glad to be back in the world:)
Thanks for checking me out today!


  1. Oh hilarious.... He who shall not be named. I named. Oops. I am guessing that your question is who are your super heroes? I don't know. I was ecstatic to see that I found another Kansas blogger!

  2. I am super excited about Spring Break as well! I cannot wait to relax and spend some quality time with my daughter!

    Life As I Know It

  3. Hi Amber. I bought Listen Up! too. Can't wait to use it!

