Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring Cleaning:)

So, spring is nearly here...
and, being on Spring Break, I have some time on my hands.

My good friend, Mrs. B, decided to give her blog a facelift…and it's adorable!
If you've never checked her out, click on her cute little button below:

Mrs. B's Bright Blessings

She inspired me to do a little "clean up" myself…and I'm pretty happy with the change.
I am, by no means, a professional 'tech-nerd' (I just pretend to be one), so it's taken me all day!

I also changed my blog name to reflect my actual URL…
but I kept my adorable "synonym roll", as a little homage to the old look:)
Maybe the updates will help me be a little more consistent in my blogging habits;/'s hoping.

Thank you SO MUCH to "The Cutest Blog on the Block" for their premade templates and banners!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, friends!
Happy St. Patty's day on Monday!


  1. That is so adorable!!!!! Love it! Thanks for the shout-out. Enjoy your spring break. This is the only school related thing I am doing this week. Just needed a change to get me motivated to blog again.

    1. Thanks, Mrs. B!:) I love your new look, too! I hope the new looks keep us bloggin' better…or at least me!
