Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy Birthday to My Blog!

It's my little blog's first birthday!

We NEVER get to have pink cupcakes at my house (my sons think pink is poison!), so my blog and I will share them;)

One year ago today, I launched this blog with the hopes of inspiring other educators the way so many Blog-Stars have inspired me!
It hasn't always been easy (or consistent) to balance life, school, and blog....but it has been an amazingly fun little journey, for sure!

I think one of the things I have enjoyed most is how blogging has encouraged my creativity and deepened my knowledge of content and practice in my field.
It's like collaborating with hundreds of other colleagues every day!
I measure my own creativity and knowledge of curriculum & management up against all of you other bloggers...y'all are so smart and creative!
Just look how creative you've inspired me to be:

This is a preview of a unit that I am finalizing to put on TpT.
The inspiration behind the unit is 2 characters I used in class last year to help my students understand the breve and macron marks (the little curve over short vowel sounds, and the line over long vowel sounds, respectively).
We called the breve a "grin", and the macron a "line", and then named 2 imaginary kiddos to represent each mark.

"Gavin Grin" loves short vowel sounds, and his name is represented by short vowels.
"Lacee Line" likes everything to have long vowel sounds, and has long vowel sounds in her name.

This packet has centers to use during your literacy block, as well as some whole group activities with "Gavin" and "Lacee".
These activities correspond to CCSS 1.RF.2a & 3b-c.
It also incorporates Nonsense Word Fluency and Alphabetical Order, as well as Sight Word Fluency through Fry Phrases.
It will sell for $5, which I think is a deal for all the work it's taken!
How do you other sellers create these 50+ pg packets every week or month?? 
It's taken everything out of me! #imseriouslyexhausted

Okay, if you want this little packet for FREE, leave a comment below.
I will be selecting 15 names at random to give this cute little short/long vowel pack, as a thank-you for supporting me on my bloggy journey.

Thanks so much for hangin' with me:)
You all mean the world!
Have a super Monday!! 

P.S. How many more days until YOU report back to school? 
Am I the only one who's excited?? 
I said "excited", not "ready":)


  1. Congrats on your one-year! I am getting ready to celebrate mine :) I'll be having a major giveaway opening up on Wednesday at midnight!

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  2. I can't count the days yet-but only a few more weeks. :(

    I just wanted to say happy blog birthday! I agree with you that the connections we can make through blogging can be very inspiring! :)


  3. I know, Amber! I'm seeing all these rooms coming along and get so excited. I have quite a ways... Report back on August 19th, school starts 22nd...oops, guess that is the 16th for me for new teacher (in the district) day.


    Teaching Little Miracles

  4. Happy first blog birthday! I am glad you found inspiration and know your unit will be fabulous!

  5. Congrats! I don't even want to think about how many days before school starts. I'm definitely not ready! :-)
    Your packet looks great! I'm with you... I don't have a clue how people have time to create so many items.

  6. Hello Amber! LOVE Lacee and Gavin! So cute to use the grin and line. I am always at a loss for what to call those things! ;) So cute and I would be honored to use this unit! I love the bug unit which would go great in the spring during science. I also struggle with doing nonsense word activities, esp since the ELL kids always have such a hard time with this; so I tend to avoid nonsense type activities, BUT, your basketball unit here is so cute, I would love to try it out!
    Happy birthday to you and your blog--when I found you a few weeks ago, it was like finding a ray of sunshine!
    I've only been on summer break for 2 weeks, so I have a few more weeks until fall, but I am itching to start my year planning--filling in units and you, I am excited, but not quite ready!

  7. Hi Amber! Thanks for helping me out! I can totally see myself using your unit in my classroom! By the way, happy belated Blogging birthday! First day of school starts on August 15 for me! Your unit looks amazing and I can see myself using it in my classroom. :)

    Cheers To School
