Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Technology, my friend :/

Well, I strived to email the calendar set, but my server kept telling me the file "exceeded the maximum size." Whatever.
THEN, I wound up sending everyone an email with a link to the calendar set in my dropbox:)
I'm PRAYING that link works for you all, or I'm gonna have to come up with something else, since I know googledocs hates me!
If you did NOT receive an email from me, and you originally commented before midnight on the 9th, would you please comment again at the bottom of today's post?
I will get you the link as soon as I hear from you.

If you received SEVERAL emails from me, I sincerely apologize!
Technology has not been very nice to me today, obviously, so I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anyone, and some of you might have been contacted 2 or 5 times:)

My computer has heard more angry words than it wanted to, and we are not on speaking terms at the moment.
I know it's not really MAC's fault, but still....

That might have been a tad excessive, but I do feel soooo much better:)

The dropbox link will be active for a short time, but the set will eventually be deleted from dropbox, as I am almost out of space in my 2(free)GB of storage:)
I'm too cheap to pay for more space right now! Ha!

Once I hear back from the creator of one of the fonts I used about her commercial license, the calendar set will be in my TpT shop.

Hey, look to your left below my new blog button...
Now I have a TpT button that will take you right to my stuff:)
Pretty sweet, huh?
Some of you asked how to get to my store in your comments, and I realized it was probably necessary now to have one.
There's not much there yet...but you might find something you like.

It looks like many of you are stoked about the 100th Follower Giveaway!
PLEASE make sure to follow these amazing blogs and stores, if you don't already!
These ladies are ultra-fab with teaching ideas and resources!!

Have a happy little Tuesday!
And, once again, please let me know if you slipped through the email cracks.
I did not intentionally leave anyone who commented out, but it might have happened...please forgive me, and continue to be my friend since MAC and I are not :(


  1. I got my dropbox link and it worked great. I love the set. Last night I was uploading some stuff to TpT and it was taking for.ev.er. I may have had some choice words for the internet.

    You Might Be a First Grader….

    1. Ahhh, the internet;-/...can't live with it, can't live without it:)

  2. Hey Amber! I have not yet received an email with your calendar set. Also, I'm having my blogiversary giveaway, so stop by to enter! Thanks!

    Lacy's Letters

    1. Oh, Cyndi, I'm sorry! I just replied to your email with a link to the dropbox. Let me know if it still doesn't work for you and I'll try something else:) I will certainly be sure to stop by your blog and check your giveaway!! Thanks!

  3. I have not received the link for the calendar set. Sorry you were having such issues, especially since you were trying to do something so nice.


    1. I just sent it to ya! I hope you enjoy using it:) It was definitely worth all the trouble!

  4. I did not receive the link either.
    Thanks for trying so hard to get this to us!

    1. Hi, Andrea! I just sent it your way, so hopefully you'll get it soon:)

  5. Hi Amber! I didn't receive a calendar set either. I sorry to ask. You are so kind to give them away. I am looking forward to reading your blog this summer. Thanks for sharing. Lili

