Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Answers to my problems...and maybe yours, too!

Some bloggers out there are simply geniuses.
Kristin, from a Teeny Tiny Teacher, has given me two absolute pearls this year.
We are currently using her "gold tag" system, as a K-1 discipline plan.
And just when I thought I couldn't handle the chattiness of my group one day more, I find her "Quiet Creature". Her Quiet Creature was given to her by a friend; I simply use my hand.
It works!
It's like silent magic. You will amaze your friends and family.

Do you do the Daily 5?
My partner teacher and I thought we were doing it last year (we did have some components), but after participating in a book study this summer, and really digging into the "meat" of what the sisters do, I have implemented a much more efficient Daily 5 that looks like a truer version than last year's (except I only have time for 3 work does ANYONE have time for six???)

My kidlets are currently building stamina with Read to Self (we're up to 12 minutes!!) and Work on Writing, and we will begin Read to Someone next Tuesday. They love it! And you gotta love that:)

I was trying to find some resources for "coaching" and "checking for understanding", and I stumbled across this HUGE goldmine of D5 resources. Check out SOME of the wonderful things they offer:

Aren't these shoes the best? There is one for each letter of I-PICK,
and it really drives home the shoe analogy the sisters use!

LOVE this rubric!
 It will help me be much more consistent and fair with their reading grades.

This is AWESOME!
It will help keep kids accountable to how they're using their time once we move into full implementation.
I'm thinking I'll start to phase it out after Christmas Break...
All these Fantabulous resources AND MUCH, MUCH MORE can be found at this site: Teachem2think. Gotta love that title!
By the way, I am in no way affiliated with the above mentioned website, and I receive no compensation (etc, etc) for mentioning them.
 I was just simply amazed and thought others might like their resources, as well!

Finally, if you've made it to the end of this LOOONG post, I think you deserve a little something. My kiddos will start using these in the next couple of weeks, and maybe your kiddos will find them helpful, too. If you use Fry phrases, like our reading program, here are some Fry Phrases with cute clipart.
Just click the pic to go to my TpT store...I know! I'm on the bandwagon, people!
I have one whole product in my store:)

Have a totally awesome (and RELAXING) Labor Day Weekend!!!


  1. Congrats on opening your TPT store!! I know you will do great!! I must check out that Quiet Creature too. My little firsties are great but quite talkative. :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

    1. Oh, Lisa, thanks so much for the words of encouragement! That means so much to me:) Yes, the Quiet Creature is pure will love it!

  2. Thanks for sharing the phrases pack. They are so cute. I'm gonna go check out Teachem2think right now!
    Teachin' First

    1. Thanks for downloading them...I hope you get some good use out of it! You will be amazed at all the D5 resources from that website; it's wonderful!!

  3. Hi Amber. Thanks for sharing the great resources for D5. We are building up that stamina also. It is amazing to me - really - because I know without the deliberate practice we could not already be up to 15 minutes. I'm in a hurry to get going with the whole thing, but I know it takes time so I have to remind myself to be patient!

    Teaching Little Miracles

    1. Hi, Crystal! I'm glad you can find the D5 resources helpful, as well. I knew someone would like them!! I am also in a hurry to "get going" , so I have to keep reminding myself to trust in the process, and to stay out of their way right now:) Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you and Kristi have enjoyed your day of rest!
